Climate and Weather

Temperature in Baguio City dropped further to 10.6°C

As I write this the temperature indoor is really cold, not quite sure how cold but it is really cold, and it is already afternoon! This morning at around 4:50am the temperature in Baguio City dropped to 10.6°C, much colder than yesterday. This is because of the Northeast monsoon. Of course, the temperature in other parts of Benguet are much lower, some of which must have reached single digits already.

Although the cold weather is something to welcome especially in a tropical country, it is best to also protect yourself from the cold weather. Here are some of the tips to keep yourself warm and healthy

1. Bring out those thick jackets and those comforter blankets.

2. The cold weather could facilitate contracting flu or colds, make sure to keep your immune system up by drinking enough water, vitamins and getting enough sleep.

3. Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face with an unwashed hand.

4. Keep yourself warm with a hot bowl of soup, coffee or tea.

5. Exercise, not only will exercise keep your body fit, it will also keep your body warm. Jogging around burnham lake is something to consider.

Did you feel that cold weather this morning? Share your experience in the comment section below.

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